30 Jan 2013


DOOORS - Room Escape Game Walkthroughs Level 26 - 30

This is DOOORS Room Escape Game Walkthrough For Level 26 to Level 30

Level 26

Swipe the ladder to the left below the left chain.
Tap the left handle and the door will swipe fast.
Tap the right handle to stop the door, make sure stop the door when there is an opening.

Level 27

Swipe the colouring ball to the door's mouth sequently.
First yellow, blue, red last green.

Level 28

Tap the white buttons according the sequence - bottom left, upper left, bottom right, upper right, middle right, middle left..

Level 29

Activate the machete.
Swipe all the veins
Swipe left door to the left and swipe the right door to the right.
Tap the key.
Activate the key.
Tap the door.

Level 30

Each Penguin couple must face to each other.
Penguin from far left to the far right.
Tap first penguin 3 times
Second Penguin 7 times
Third Penguin 1 time
Forth Penguin 5 times
Tap the door.
